Wednesday 23 March 2011

Due Date: Brian Adam Douglas @ Black Rat Projects

Any Which Way But Loose
Brian Adam Douglas is a Brooklyn based artist, who under the name Elbow Toe has been pasting his collages, drawings, woodcuts and stencil work onto the walls of the cities all around the world for the past decade. Due Date is his first solo show in UK and it's hosted by Black Rat Projects in Shoreditch.
Sweet Dreams
As Douglas describes it himself Due Date explores his "preconceived notions of parenthood and the opportunities for growth that come through that process." It is a series of collages, which viewed from the distance could be easily mistaken for paintings. Douglas calls this medium 'cut paper paintings'. He builds the images through the meticulous layering of tiny pieces of coloured paper, each individual piece replaces here a single brushstroke. It creates fluidity rarely seen in the collage work.
After Goya
My favourite image After Goya depicts little girl in a pink dress terrified by the sight of two cats ripping apart a magpie. It is inspired, or even appropriated from Goya's Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zúñiga.
I have to admit that I don't remember last time I was so astonished by the work of so called 'street artist'. It is most probably the best show I have seen recently and I strongly recommend to visit it.

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