Tuesday 28 December 2010

Dazzle London - three printmakers

Dazzle is a contemporary jewellery exhibition running every year for nearly thirty years at four different venues. Since last year, in addition to jewellery, Dazzle displays work of three chosen printmakers. Few days ago I visited the show at National Theatre in London.
Jakie Field

Jackie Field specialises in unique woodcuts and relief prints. Her recent work focuses on architectural constructions of different glass houses in Britain and Europe. The prints are almost as monumental as the buildings pictured; some of them measure even three square meters. The artist uses limited palette of colours, sometimes just two tones of the same hue, but because they are intensely deep, brilliant colours the effect is stunning. The size of the picture, colour and the amount of detail contained in these prints made me study and enjoy them for long time. I really admire the geometrical perfection and precision with which Jackie Field produced each woodcut.
Davida Smith
Pamela Hare is an artist and printmaker living and working in Islington. Her work is influenced by urban cityscapes, people and man made environment. Her recent work involves photo-screen printing technique, and than each print is hand painted using vibrant colours. My favourite image is Cold Harbour, depicting a sunset over Canary Wharf, yet the colours are so exaggerated it seems that the buildings are on fire.
Pamela Hare
The third printmaker is Davida Smith, whose work is influenced by topography of Rye in East Sussex, where she currently lives. Smith uses etching and aquatint techniques to produce beautiful and very delicate abstract countryside landscapes. It is excellent opposition to the work of two previous artists.

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